Now I can see the urgent need of a complete re-structuring in the way that we see our Land, by re-moving the concept of separate Countries to one Country which represents the whole Mother Earth, consisting of smaller manageable autonomous units that are self-dependent units, as this exercise will help eliminate majority of these wars whose underlying cause is having to depend on outsiders to fulfill our dependencies efficiently!

In tautology if the foundation is false all assumptions based on it are also considered as False, so why should we not follow the Vedic Science & Spirituality which stated that the Mother Earth is round and burn all these books that are written on the assumption that the Earth is Flat, like Islam book Quran and Christian book Bible?

-Seduction of Seducers of Seducers – Another Platitudinous Upanishad: A Memento for an Eternal Life
Author Inderpreet Kaur